The Executive Committee members of the NAACP pose with President Christian Cozart and body members representing the association. Photo by Isammar Kirby.

Org Bazaar rules Avenue during Homecoming Week 2022

October 20, 2022

On Wednesday, Oct. 5, from 2 – 6 p.m., Virginia State University hosted its Org Bazaar Homecoming event as a part of its week long celebrations. This event is traditionally hosted to support many different organizations the university has in the center of campus, University Avenue.

Students visited tables along the avenue to meet members, see friends, and help support causes. The NAACP and Si Se Puede were just a couple of groups were students sat at their table collecting donations and selling refreshments.

The VSU NAACP chapter was at the front of the yard selling org bazaar juice to all the students out that day. The organization actually sold out of juice two hours before the event even ended.

“The NAACP on campus isn’t just another association or political group, but is a safe space that relates to black people and more importantly students of today,” President Christian Cozart said. “We want to be the voice of the people and black students to project important issues and concerns that affect black and brown bodies everyday and night! We are the association that is a mix of many different layers and aren’t just one or the other, we are for the advancement of those that look like us in serious and fun ways, such as this very event.”

The Si Se Puede organization displayed a poster for students to write Spanish words on and cute novelties for visitors to learn Spanish at their table along the Avenue during the Org Bazaar. Yulisa Morales, their Vice President, ran the table. Photos by Isammar Kirby.

The Si Se Puede also had a “unidos” poster for students to write Spanish words on and cute novelties for visitors to learn Spanish while at the table. Yulisa Morales, their Vice President, ran the table.

“The Si Se Puede E-Board members had a blast at the Org Bazar. Si Se Puede is the only Hispanic/Latinx organization on campus. We enjoyed being able to interact with other students and staff by showing them who we are and what we do,” Morales said. “It was an amazing time embracing a few of our traditional drinks like Horchata and sweets. We hope to continue sharing our culture and diversity.”

This event has much history as it gets put on every year for homecoming. There were also other organizations there such as Women of Victory, NSLS, and CSA. There was a lot of free food for the student body to enjoy such as turkey legs, fried Oreos, and funnel cake.

There was also a great DJ and an area for each organization to present themselves and a demonstration of choice.

The ROTC revealed the new line of the National Society of Pershing Rifles. The university could not have been more excited. Caribbean Students Association and African Students Association performed as well.

Due to the strong attendance and student involvement from so many organizations, most could say that the event was a truly successful part of Homecoming 2022.

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