Students experience Trojan Wellness Day events

Janiah Mitchell

A student receives a massage in Foster Hall by a massage therapist during Wellness Day activities.

In Foster Hall Room 300, students stretched their bodies, focused on breathing, and relaxed during a chair yoga session. 

To slow the spread of COVID-19, the University replaced Spring Break with Trojan Wellness Days. Today, Feb. 15, was the first Wellness Day of the Spring semester. Various students gathered at Foster Hall to engage in Wellness Day events. Students had the opportunity to go to Foster Hall and receive a massage from massage therapists or participate in chair yoga with the University Counseling Department.

“The massage was really great,” said junior Computer Engineering major Makhalia Bentil. “I definitely need to attend more events like this.”

Some students enjoy yoga and massages during Wellness Days.

“I like that the University brings in events like this,” said Bentil. “There’s a lot of people that don’t get the opportunity to experience things like this outside of this event. I would like to see more events that keep our mental health in mind and remind us to be mindful of how we are doing mentally.”

While Wellness Days usually warrant yoga and massages, the University’s Counseling Department wants to bring more relaxation opportunities to campus.

“We would love to do more yoga events,” said Counseling Department Director Dr. Joanna Palvannan. “Students need a chance to relax and take a break from their work. It is all about student involvement, and if students would like to see more yoga events on campus, they can reach out to me via email and let me know.”

If any students are interested in having weekly yoga sessions on campus, they can email Dr. Joanna Palvannan at [email protected].