Explosion focused on Honda Battle of the Bands

Trumpet player Alex Mackey marches in the Homecoming 2022 Parade in Old Towne Petersburg. Staff photo.

Myiles Spann, Staff Writer

The Virginia State University Marching Trojan Explosion has been to the Honda Battle of the Bands nine consecutive times, will they return for the tenth?

The Trojan Explosion Marching Band, under the new interim director, Mr. Taylor Whitehead, is on the voting ballot for the 2023 Honda Battle of the Bands, which will be held Feb. 18, 2023 at Alabama State University in Montgomery, Alabama.

“It is an honor to be on the voting ballot for the Honda Battle of the Bands,” Whitehead said. “I am overjoyed. The amount of hard work my students put in is paying off. These opportunities do not come easily. They are the true reflection of my leadership. I am more than honored to have the opportunity as the new Interim Director of the Trojan Explosion, to lead my band to the Honda Battle of the Bands.”

Whitehead continues to inspire and motivates his students to be able to be nominated for the Honda Battle of the Bands. He dedicates his time, money, and effort to ensuring musical superiority in the Trojan Explosion. His expert leadership qualities continue to overflow into his students as they are working hard to be selected to participate in the Honda Battle of the Bands.

One student in particular, Travon Banks, a Graduate Student participating in the Trojan Explosion, believes that Whitehead is more than capable of leading the Trojan Explosion to the Honda Battle of the Bands, and has no doubt that The Explosion will be one of the selected bands to participate.

“Mr. Whitehead’s leadership is amongst no other, not only this but he never hides anything from us. His high energy continues to reflect in the band and is flawless.” Banks said. “Mr. Whitehead is the reason I am at and graduated from Virginia State. His commitment to me attending here is more than enough to prove that he is a man of his word. Mr. Whitehead is more than capable of leading the band or any band for that matter to Honda Battle of the Bands. He is the epitome of a true director,” Banks said.

The faith in Whitehead does not stop at Banks. His fellow staff members believe in his leadership qualities as well. Whitehead often has students who graduate from Virginia State University and come back aspiring to be part of his leadership team. These individuals have also marched in the Trojan Explosion. One individual, in particular, Matthew Raton, Operations Director of the Trojan Explosion, finds himself on Whitehead’s leadership team.

Raton participated in the Trojan Explosion for four years playing the trumpet. After graduating, he acquired a position on the leadership directory for the Trojan Explosion Marching Band.

“Mr. Whitehead helped me understand the HBCU band culture. He has given me opportunities to travel and work alongside him for many years,” Raton said. “He has a lot of passion in his band. I get a lot of my passion and drive from Mr. Whitehead as well. He has a goal for the band and the Virginia State University Music Department.. that is to excel and be a place worthy of wealth and knowledge. It is an honor to work alongside him and assist in leading the band to the Honda Battle of the Bands. I have no doubt in my mind that we will be selected for the Honda Battle of the Bands,” Raton said.

Whitehead’s hard work and dedication to the Virginia State University Trojan Explosion Marching Band is in action at every Saturday football game, as well as band competitions and performances. Whitehead continues to be an inspiration to both the Virginia State University Music Department and The Trojan Explosion Marching Band. Moreover, his leadership passion and drive will be key elements in being selected for the Honda Battle of the Bands.

“It’s the music that keeps me going. My students produce distinguished sounds from their horns to create music appealing to the ears. The music they produce continues to reassure me that I am doing the right thing for them as they continue to be a reflection of me,” Whitehead said. “I have no doubt in my mind that the Trojan Explosion Marching Band will be one of the bands selected to participate in the Honda Battle of the Bands,” Whitehead said.

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